Optoelectronic Engineering
朱兴华 教授
2023-04-18 17:40     (点击数:)



近年来,先后主持国家自然科学基金青年项目、面上项目,四川省战略新兴产品计划、四川省科技计划、火箭军装备预研项目等课题 10 余项,参与国家“863”科研项目、四川省重点新产品计划以及多项国家自然科学基金项目,累计到账经费 1000 余万元;在国内外期刊上发表研究论文 120 余篇,其中SCI收录 80 余篇,授权发明专利5 项,实现成果转化 2 项,企业实现利税 5000 余万元,为地方经济社会发展作出有益贡献。








1.    基于二维石墨烯的太赫兹吸收增强物理机制及其探测性能研究(2021ZYD0039),四川省中央引导地方项目,2021-2022,主持

2.    直接转换型柔性X射线探测器的形态与结构研究(62005029, 国家自然科学基金青年项目,2021-2023,参与

3.    面向柔性光电显示的钙钛矿发光材料制备及其性能研究(20YYJC0003),达州市科技计划项目,2020-2022,主持



1.    基于MAPbIxBr3-x膜材料的X射线探测器研究(2018JY0513),四川省科技计划项目,2018-2020,主持

2.    MAPbIxBr3-x:PbS量子点的陷阱密度调控及X射线探测研究(51802032),国家自然科学基金青年项目,2019-2021,参与

3.    基于大尺寸氧化锌纳米棒阵列的高性能光电探测器研究(2018JY0453),四川省科技计划项目,2018-2020,参与

4.    基于典化铅厚膜的新型数字平板探测器材料、器件与工艺研究(11675029),国家自然科学基金面上项目,2017-2020,主持





1.     Shi YH, Zhang M, Zhang L, Cui XM, Zhu XH, Zhao JS, Jin DD, Yang DY*, Li JT**. Reduced graphene oxide coated manganese dioxide electrode prepared by polyvinylpyrrolidone assisted electrodeposition, Vacuum, 2022, 199: 110925

2.     Gao XY*, Sun H, Yang DY, Wangyang PH, Zhang CF, Zhu XH. Large-area CdZnTe thick film based array X-ray detector, Vacuum, 2021, 183: 109855

3.     Li X, Zhu XH, Jin KX, Yang DY*. Study on structural and optical properties of Mn-doped ZnO thin films by sol-gel method, Opt Mater, 2020, 100: 109657

4.     Gou ZY, Liu WY, Huanglong SB, Zhu XH*, Sun H, Yang DY Wangyang PH*. (Wangyang Peihua) Self-Powered X-Ray Photodetector Based on Ultrathin PbI2 Single Crystal, Phys Status Solidi RRL, 2019, 1900094

5.     Zhu XH, Xie QS, Tian HB, Zhang M, Gou ZY, He S, Gu P, Wu HH, Li JT*, Yang DY**. High photoresponse sensitivity of lithium-doped ZnO (LZO) thin films for weak ultraviolet signal photodetector, J Alloy Compd, 2019, 805: 309

6.     Li JT, Zhu XH*, Xie QS, Yang DY*. Surface nanosheets evolution and enhanced photoluminescence properties of Al-doped ZnO films induced by excessive doping concentration, Ceram Int, 2019, 45: 3871

7.     Li JT, Zhu XH*, Yang DY. Evaporation time effects on Structural, optical and X-ray photoresponse properties of thermal evaporated a-Se thin films at low vacuum degree, AIP Advances, 2018, 8: 095304

8.     Sun H, Zhao BJ, Yang DY, Wangyang PH, Gao XY, Zhu XH*. Flexible X-ray detector based on sliced lead iodide crystal, Phys Status Solidi RRL, 2017, 11: 1600397

9.     Wangyang PH, Sun H, Zhu XH*, Yang DY, Gao XY, Liu WY, Chen Y, Tian HB, Huanglong SB. Solution-Processable Methyl Ammonium Lead Iodide Single Crystal Photodetectors for Visible Light and X-Ray, Phys Status Solidi A, 2017: 1700538

10.  Li X, Zhu XH*, Yang DY, Li JT. Effect of Sn-Doped Concentration on Structural, Optical and Electrical Properties of ZnO:Sn (TZO) Thin Films Prepared by Sol-Gel Method, Nanosci Nanotechnol Lett, 2017, 9: 1539

11.  Zhu XH, Gu P, Wu HH, Yang DY*, Sun H, Wangyang PH, Li JT, Tian HB. Influence of substrate on structural, morphological and optical properties of TiO2 thin films deposited by reaction magnetron sputtering, AIP Advances, 2017, 7: 125326

12.  Zhu XH, Wangyang PH*, Sun H, Yang DY, Gao XY, Tian HB. Facile growth and characterization of freestanding single crystal PbI2 film, Mater Lett, 2016, 180: 59

13.  Zhu XH, Sun H*, Yang DY, Wangyang PH, Gao XY. Comparison of electrical properties of x-ray detector based on PbI2 crystal with different bias electric field configuration, J Mater Sci: Mater Electron, 2016, 27: 11798

14.  Zhu XH, Sun H*, Yang DY, Yang J, Li X, Gao XY. Fabrication and characterization of X-ray array detectors based on polycrystalline PbI2 thick films, J Mater Sci: Mater Electron, 2014, 25:3337

15.   Zhu XH*, Sun H**, Yang DY, Zheng XL. Growth, surface treatment and characterization of polycrystalline lead iodide thick films prepared using close space deposition technique, Nucl Inst Methods Phys Res A, 2012, 691: 10







